Spammer is an application built using the Java programming language that acts as a bot for automatically typing in custom messages. Delivered inside a.
Jun 21, 2012 This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. How can make the Mac Mail Junk folder visible? - see bottom, I just found it. I show no Junk folder at all on 2 of my Macs but it's there on 1 Mac. I have Mountain Lion on all 3 Macs, latest patch and am usiing Gmail also. Now I just learned from above how to find the Gmail Spam mailbox so that's great to know. Thanks for that. Once that's all set, click Send to deliver your messages. Note that Partytime only works with iMessages, not regular text messages, so you can only bombard your fellow Apple-using friends and family or enemies (i.e., people who use an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or Mac computer with iMessage activated). To stop it, click on the terminal and press CTRL+C, which will kill the process. For users who want easy control over the bot without modifying any code, this is for you.-message 'Your message here' will change the text that is spammed-maxMessages 100 will stop the bot after 100 messages are sent.
Spam Bot V3 Mac

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- Anti-Bot Form Mailer v.1.0Anti-Bot Form Mailer is a PHP script that helps webmasters reducing spam received via their contact or support ...
- Virtual Spam Prevention v. spam, not mail. Experience a new breed of spam-fighting mail gateways, that consider outbreak behaviour rather than content. They also protects against phising, viruses, zombie attacks and outgoing distributions. VSP , the virtual machine spam ...
- Rozmic Spam and Virus Firewall v.1.13Rozmic Spam and Virus Firewall is an automated security service that protects your Internet communications from spam and viruses. It operates at the gateway level, and scans all traffic entering your network. It's automated and supervised by security ...
- Extensible Messaging Platform Anti-Spam Filter v.5.5Extensible Messaging Platform is a SPAM filtering firewall server application. Protects Exchange Server, Domino, GroupWise or any SMTP mail server from Internet SPAM, e-mail-borne viruses (including dangerous auto-launch viruses) and other ...
- IsNotSpam - Online Spam checker v.1.0Online Spam checker for newsletters and email marketing ...
- FREE - Email Anti-Spam Protection v.1.0Boring by receiving spam ?? This script avoid robots to take illegaly your email addresses from your page source ...
- Spam ReportSpam Report gives you a functional and helpful tool that can Automatically report spam to, to help the efforts to eliminate spamSpam Report is a free AppleScript that will allow you to automatically and quickly report spam to, ...
- Spam UCE v.1.0Spam UCE 1.0 gives you a super-quick way to send selected spam messages to the FTC , bounces and then deletes them. Allows you to choose an outgoing account. Runs as a script from within Mail. This code has been provided 'AS IS' and the ...
- Farmville Bot v.2.00Love Farmville but sick of the hundred and hundreds of clicks you have to make every time you want to tend to your fields? FarmBot is the answer!Features: * Auto Harvest * Auto Plow * Auto Plant * Auto Friend Helper * Auto XP (Soybean + ...

Spam Bot For Messenger
- CellMate Bot v.1.0CellMate Bot currently allows google queries and aim functions through OSCAR. Made to be used form your cellphone's AIM client, CellMate Bot will be updated to include email, news and map directions in the future. For now, you can use Google ...
- Clanwar managing/broadcasting (IRC-)Bot v.20030403The goal is to develop a bot that sits on irc and manages clanwars in the internal channel of a clan. the bot should also be able to broadcast clanwars to irc-channels. DEVELOPERS AND TESTERS ...
- Advanced Bot Framework v.0.7.0.betaUsing this plugin-based framework, you can instantly start working on the *brain* of your bot (irc bot, chatterbot, robot, ...). With support for db, irc, logging and programming-language independent plugins, users can easily enhance the ...
- Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server v. Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server project aims to create an open source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which implements auto-whitelists, Bayesian, Greylisting and multiple filter methods. Click 'Browse all files' to download the ...
- Big Brother Bot (B3) v.b3.1.8.1BigBrotherBot (B3) is a cross-platform, cross-game game administration bot. Features in-game administration of game servers, multiple user access levels, and database storage. Currently include parsers for: Call of Duty, Urban Terror and ...
- Bogofilter -- Fast Bayesian Spam Filter v.1.2.2The bogofilter package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter assuggested by Paul Graham in 'A Plan For Spam'. It is written in C. Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, OS X, HP-UX, AIX, RISC-OS, ...
- Jabber MUD Bot Framework v.0.8This software allows a MUD server to be run as a Jabber bot. Users can then play the MUD using their Jabber client instead of a MUD client or telnet. This relieves the MUD server from having to handle user chat as users can chat in Jabber ...
- Lexy, a Scrabble playing bot v.beta2Lexy is a Scrabble-playing bot written in OCaml. Because it can be compiled to a machine executable, it is wicked ...
- Lost Bot v.1.0Lost Bot is an IRC Mafia Game Bot coded in TCL. Users register and start off in a 2D city trying to exhort businesses, buying weapons and killing each other. The more respect you gain, the more powerful you are. It will contain a ...
- MatchEd - HL / HL2 IRC Match Bot v.1.8A Halflife / Halfelife 2 IRC match bot. Reports for various HL/HL2 game events. Also has Admin features. Simple to use with auto-setup. Written in Java so is suitable for many ...
- PhpSM - PHP Spam Manager GUI v.1.0DISCONTINUED - phpSpamManager ( a Spam Manager GUI ) is a graphical interface for managing spam quarantines. It's fully adaptive and will suit any mail server/spam filter (like spamassassin )as long as messages are stored in individual files (like ...

- POP3 Spam Filter Proxy POP3 Spam Filter Proxy is a multiuser POP3 proxy written
- Extensible Messaging Platform Anti-Spam Extensible Messaging Platform is a SPAM filtering firewall
- SpamSieve SpamSieve is a Macintosh application that filters out
- Spam Report Spam Report gives you a functional and helpful tool that
- SpamProbe - fast bayesian spam filter Fast, intelligent, automatic spam detector using Paul
- Bogofilter -- Fast Bayesian Spam Filter The bogofilter package implements a fast Bayesian spam
- PC Protect Your PC First screensaver application protecting your PC from
- Flirt Facebook Friend Adder Facebook friend adder bot application for Mac OS X that
- Farmville Bot Love Farmville but sick of the hundred and hundreds of
- Yahoo bot last visit Display the last time Yahoo bot visit your site , click in